Accountability is NOT the same as being held accountable. Being held accountable comes from outside of us and is usually out of our hands. Accountability is what we have control over. It is something we do and something we offer of ourselves to those around us.
Accountability means that when we make mistakes, we want to know it and to fix them. This requires a willingness and the capacity to learn from the mistakes. Believing we have the capacity to act is also a form of accountability. Accountability is essential to learning. It also demonstrates respect!

Rule of Law and Accountability

Security can be hard to come by in some contexts. Yet there are usually local officials or governing authorities who claim that they are responsible for providing security. they can be supported in some cases and, in others, reminded of their duty.

In addition, working within the framework of local laws and regulations, as well as working with local authorities, send powerful, positive messages about legitimacy and authority. In many cases, the local governing authority wants to be able to provide security and services. Showing respect for that desire can show others that effective governance is possible.

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