Using Respect

Respect is positive social attention.


Respect is fundamental for successful human interaction. All of our work proceeds more effectively and successfully when we work with respect. Offering Respect requires a conscious decision and deliberate action. It is expressed both overtly and tacitly. It is not words, but behaviors that show true respect. Showing respect is the only way to ever make respect mutual.

Using Respect

Start with listening. Sit still with people for an hour, asking questions and learning from them. Show a genuine interest.

How will you use what you have learned? Who can you work with to put a new activity into practice? How will you engage more people to at least think?

All of these words, like “listening” and “collaboration”, can become buzzwords. People and organizations use the words and claim that they are important. But all too often, the words do not translate into action. What are you doing?

Previous Page Organizations and Respect
Next Page Accountability

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