The Do No Harm Frameworks have been used in all phases of an intervention, from planning through implementation to evaluation. The following brief sections outline four rough processes for using the Do No Harm Frameworks. Every organization will incorporate these processes differently and in accordance with their existing processes and culture.

Implementation & Monitoring

While implementing, the Frameworks can be used to keep a record of changes in the social dynamics. In this case monitoring for social dynamics does not have to be a separate process from the day to day work.

Begin with a list of team-generated Dividers and Connectors. Commit to tracking their changes over time. Also track how you know that the Dividers and Connectors have changed.

It is not necessary to develop indicators in advance! The process of reflecting on how you know a change has taken place will focus your attention on the natural indicators of the process.

Using observed changes in Dividers and Connectors, reflect on the patterns of impact through the ABCs. What patterns do you observe? What is causing those patterns to be highlighted?

When you observe that your intervention is causing changes in social dynamics, then think about redesign.

Previous Page Planning
Next Page Redesign

Related Topics
How to do a Dividers and Connectors Analysis
Resource Transfers
Messages through the RAFT
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